Tari Protocol Discussion 35
On Thursday, the Tari community discussed the config strategy. Below is the TL;DR on Thursday’s conversation (full transcript included below):
- Use config-rs
- Use TOML file format
- Use clap-rs for command line integration
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Mondays: 6pm CAT (12pm EST)
Thursdays: 11am CAT (5am EST)
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Transcript of Thursday’s discussion
17:55 <Blackwolfsa> Hi everyone, I thought we could talk about configs a bit, anyone have any options on them
18:02 <simian_za> ini files?
18:02 <simian_za> :P
18:04 <Hansie> Do you want the configs to be cleverly handled? Or are we talking about binary dumps?
18:07 <Blackwolfsa> Clearly
18:08 <stanimal> Hi there, so suppose we need to go over: how would people want to deploy and use the Tari software as well as what format to use for configuration files (options are YAML, TOML and JSON - no not ini :P)
18:08 <Blackwolfsa> I was thinking of using config-rs for the config handling, it can deseriliase to a struct, and do hahsmaps
18:09 <Blackwolfsa> We could have multiple configs as well
18:09 <Blackwolfsa> And it does uni for simian
18:09 <Blackwolfsa> :P
18:09 <Blackwolfsa> Ini
18:09 <simian_za> Woot!
18:12 <neonknight64> If more than one format is used, then samples for each type should be provided.
18:13 <Blackwolfsa> As far as I know it works on a key value lookup. It even supports multiple formats at the same time if you want to be crazy
18:13 <simian_za> Should probably just settle on one and run with it. Yaml and toml is better than json I think
18:15 <stanimal> I suggest the precedence for configuration would be command line flags (for some config items perhaps), configuration file(s) and then environment variables - running software in docker would imply it's good to support environment variables, although configuration solely through environment variables may be unwieldy and it's completely fine to use
18:15 <stanimal> a configuration file with docker
18:15 <stanimal> As for the format, we want a format which supports comments - which leaves JSON out
18:16 <simian_za> Agreed on that hierarchy
18:16 <simian_za> So yaml vs toml? Opinions?
18:18 <Hansie> stanimal: Can use of environment variables be seamlessly done between Linux/macOS and Windows using these tools?
18:18 <stanimal> I think TOML is the best option, as it's very readable, it doesn't break randomly if you have a mistake in your indentation somewhere like yaml, you can nest keys in sections
18:19 <stanimal> Hansie: Environment variables will have cross platform support with standard rust
18:19 <Hansie> I was wondering about nesting...
18:19 <simian_za> Also toml is used for rust so only have become familiar with one syntax
18:21 <Hansie> "Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language"
18:21 <stanimal> Technically, we could probably decide on the format by looking at the file extension and using the correct deserializer - but I'm hesitant to support multiple formats as that usually results in a mess
18:21 <Hansie> I tend to agree with that stanimal
18:25 <neonknight64> A single format that supports comments seem like the best choice. TOML ftw
18:26 <stanimal> One thing YAML does is allows you to reference other keys in the configuration file (albeit with a somewhat ugly syntax) which could help DRY it up - AFAIK toml doesnt support this, but I somehow doubt that this will be needed in the config files
18:31 <Hansie> Balckwolfsa, config-rs seems pretty solid.
18:31 <Hansie> Blackwolfsa ^
18:32 <stanimal> Agreed - looks great
18:32 <Blackwolfsa> So looks like to toml has majority
18:33 <stanimal> What about a command line handler - I've used https://github.com/clap-rs/clap in the past
A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust - clap-rs/clap
18:34 <stanimal> Seems to have minimal required dependencies 👍
18:34 <simian_za> This is going to sound wrong but +1 for the Clap
18:35 <stanimal> 😆I've love to have the clap...
18:35 <stanimal> ...in our project
18:36 <Blackwolfsa> We need the clap
18:38 <Hansie> Yip, looks great as well
18:52 <stanimal> There's an issue for this: https://github.com/tari-project/tari/issues/250 - nice one to take if you're looking to start contributing. A good PR could be to add some code to base_layer to read from a given config file and deserialize to an empty config struct
Tari config file · Issue #250 · tari-project/tari
Design and build an easy to use and configure ConfigurationFile. Maybe there's a crate that can do this for us? TOML, YAML, JSON? Discuss
18:54 <Blackwolfsa> Looking at the examples that would be a very easy issue if you want to contribute