Signing a Message
For details on the mathematics behind digital signatures, Tari Labs University has a good introduction.
For now let’s have Alice sign a message and have Bob verify that it is from her.
Let’s assume that Alice has published her public key as 42b0c615e38cc7deaf574fd7127c8c58a3e654137415feb59770f3c110dca378
use tari_crypto::{
keys::{PublicKey, SecretKey},
ristretto::{RistrettoPublicKey, RistrettoSecretKey, RistrettoSchnorr},
// Imports the to_hex trait method
use tari_utilities::hex::Hex;
// imports the as_bytes trait method
use tari_utilities::byte_array::ByteArray;
use digest::Digest;
/// The signature challenge is Hash(P || R || message)
fn create_challenge(pubkey: &RistrettoPublicKey, r: &RistrettoPublicKey, msg: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
fn main() {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let alice_k = RistrettoSecretKey::from_hex("df5f802bf33ff4d80198ec604b1413e25d1f53cd20fb4039901a7c34c1cafb0b").unwrap();
let alice_p = RistrettoPublicKey::from_secret_key(&alice_k);
println!("Alice's public key is {}", alice_p);
// Alice must generate a single-use random number for every signature
let (nonce, pub_nonce) = RistrettoPublicKey::random_keypair(&mut rng);
// The message to sign
let msg = "Hello, Bob.";
// TODO -- create the challenge
let e =
let sig = RistrettoSchnorr::sign(alice_k, nonce, &e).unwrap();
let s = sig.get_signature().to_hex();
let r = sig.get_public_nonce().to_hex();
println!("Alice sends the message and signature to Bob:\nmsg: {}\nsig: {},{}\n\n", msg, s, r);
// Now Bob wants to verify the signature
// TODO - recreate the public nonce for Bob using the hex values Alice provided
let r_bob = RistrettoPublicKey::...
let s_bob = RistrettoSecretKey::...
// Recreate Alice's public key from the value she publiched
let alice_pubkey = RistrettoPublicKey::from_hex("42b0c615e38cc7deaf574fd7127c8c58a3e654137415feb59770f3c110dca378").unwrap();
// TODO - Bob has everything he needs to generate the challenge now
let e_bob = ...
// Create the signature instance
let sig_bob = RistrettoSchnorr::new(r_bob, s_bob);
let result = sig_bob.verify_challenge(&alice_pubkey, &e_bob);
if result {
println!("The message is signed by Alice");
} else {
println!("Someone is trying to impersonate Alice!");
Alice’s public key is 42b0c615e38cc7deaf574fd7127c8c58a3e654137415feb59770f3c110dca378
Alice sends the message and signature to Bob:
msg: Hello, Bob.
sig: 97938897220dcff9016af881d547d1ba1ef07b8465b1885f183c3872e142f40e
, 8e1cfbb2973d9d5b52e84816a78f6adc876b91d31cde7ea9cd16f1093927be4a
The message is signed by Alice