February 01, 2021

Tari Release v0.8.1
Stibbons Testnet Reset
Version 0.8.1 has been released a new genesis block, starting a new testnet: Stibbons. If you have an existing Ridcully node, it’s best to remove it completely and start a fresh node.
Console Wallet
- Wallets can now be recovered using seed words #2560
- Better transaction handling when switching base nodes #2558
Base Node
- Pruned mode, a core feature of Mimblewimble, has been fixed and allows fast synching of the blockchain while also using less storage space than a full archival node. #2544
- The maximum number of RandomX virtual machines can now be set in the config to enable running on low memory machines. #2567
SHA3 Mining Node
- The stand alone SHA3 miner logic has been improved to boost mining hash rate #2539
All changes since v0.7.2
- #2587 Correct block times
- #2572 Fix console wallet runtime calls
- #2559 Add Cucumber to CI
- #2574 Update libwallet build for Github actions
- #2583 Remove “add one to port” hack in console wallet
- #2585 Move generated proto files to OUT_DIR
- #2584 Update fee vs amount being sent validation
- #2578 Fix submit block in integration test
- #2576 Remove Ridcully references from Stibbons code
- #2582 Remove generated proto files from tari_core
- #2577 Fix for auotmated wallet startup
- #2544 Stibbons Testnet
- #2569 Update timestamp for Stibbons
- #2567 Add ability to set maximum number of RandomX VMs
- #2568 Fix off-by-one error in target difficulty
- #2566 Assign wallet GRPC port for cucumber tests
- #2565 Refactor wallet bootup to not cause confusion
- #2564 Fix cucumber tests for Windows use
- #2561 Add WalletTransfer feature to cucumber tests
- #2560 Implement wallet recovery from seed words
- #2550 Encrypt Node_id and Tor_id at rest
- #2563 Update default wallet confirmation time
- #2562 Fix returned field name in getTransactionInfo call
- #2558 Implement TXO validation on Base Node switching in LibWallet
- #2557 Run cucumber tests using release mode
- #2553 Added getVersion call to wallet GRPC
- #2555 Up stibbons lock height
- #2545 Implement new Transaction Broadcast Protocol using base node RPC
- #2511 Add chain height to list-connections output
- #2549 Update ReadMe for iOS build on Big Sur
- #2542 [Merge Mining] Remove merge mining template on successful submission
- #2548 Remove unused sys-info dependency
- #2516 from mikethetike/mb-pruned2
- #2539 Boost mining speeds